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One Incredible Woman's Ideas, Musings and Opinions Through This Journey of Life!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

If You Give a Mom a Muffin She Won't Know Where Her Time Went!

As a mom, have you ever felt like your every move got you more and more distracted?

Running a household is not as easy as it appears to those who have never done it.  Now let me step in for a moment and say that I was a single work-out-of-the-house mom for 13 or so years.

I know exactly how challenging it is to keep your schedule and your kids' schedules in order while remembering the bills, packing back packs and diaper bags, doing the laundry and getting the grocery shopping done.

I lived a very regimented life.  We were little soldiers just so I could get through each day.

When I made the decision to quit my job and stay home to be a full time "Professional Mommy", I stayed regimented.  But somewhere along the road, many of the rules and routines fell to the wayside to make room for play-doh, play dates and poopy diapers.

When we spend all day running the house and raising our children, life goes on with a mind of its own.  So first I want to share this super cool story...ya, just like those stories we've been reading and rhyming to with the kids...to help brighten your day.

Had a good chuckle?

Nice, I did too.

Now, here's some more practical advice for keeping yourself on target with your schedule.  Its called the Rule of Find Fifteen.

Take your day and divide it up into fifteen minute increments.
  • Block out sleep (yours), bathing (yourself) and eating (yes, feeding You).
  • Now figure in all of your care taking activities: getting others to sleep, bathing & dressing others, feeding the crew, and taxi service.
  • Here's the really fun one!  Household chores!:  From laundry to mowing the lawn and every other mundane task that must get done.

If you find it a challenge to get one thing completed, then commit to finding fifteen minutes to totally focus on that one task.

Tried it and failed miserably?

It's time to sit down and have a family meeting.  Take some time to talk with all your kids, and significant other, about your schedule.  

Be honest with yourself and your family about the things you have to get done during the day.  For the things that you find you are being interrupted constantly, have your kids choose a fun thing they would like to do.

This might be a trip to the park, playing with you and sidewalk chalk, or making homemade bubbles.

Take their choice and write it down (on paper, chalk board or dry erase board) and post it somewhere they can see it.  Now you are going to use a Magic Phrase!

This is one of the Magic Phrases you can put in your tool belt while shaping your kids' behavior.  It is called the If...Then principle.

Try this... Hey kids, Mommy needs to get these dishes done.  I'm going to work on this for fifteen minutes.  If you keep busy with your coloring and let mommy do the dishes alone, then we will (do the chosen activity).

Their reward for letting you get your dishes done is the activity.  Your reward is that you will be more focused and more committed to getting the dishes done in that time period, you won't have to worry about those dishes later!

Your time of fifteen minutes might need to be modified depending on the age of your children.  You also might need to start with shorter time periods and work your way up until your children are used to this strategy.

If you give this method a try, then you just might be able to enjoy your muffin!

Blessings and Success!

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