Welcome to my Think Tank

One Incredible Woman's Ideas, Musings and Opinions Through This Journey of Life!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

We Didn't Have the Green Thing Back Then

I found this wonderful story on Facebook on how the older generation didn't "live green" and ruined the environment for today's generation.


Being Green... 
Checking out at the store, the young cashier suggested to the older woman, that she should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags weren't good for the environment. 
The woman apologized and explained, "We didn't have this green thing back in my earlier days." 
The young clerk responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations." 
She was right -- our generation didn't have the green thing in its day. 
Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So they really were truly recycled. 
But we didn't have the green thing back in our day. 
Grocery stores bagged our groceries in brown paper bags, that we reused for numerous things, most memorable besides household garbage bags, was the use of brown paper bags as book covers for our schoolbooks. This was to ensure that public property, (the books provided for our use by the school) was not defaced by our scribblings. Then we were able to personalize our books on the brown paper bags. 
But too bad we didn't do the green thing back then. 
We walked up stairs, because we didn't have an escalator in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn't climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks. 
But she was right. We didn't have the green thing in our day. 
Back then, we washed the baby's diapers because we didn't have the throwaway kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy-gobbling machine burning up 220 volts -- wind and solar power really did dry our clothes back in our early days. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. 
But that young lady is right; we didn't have the green thing back in our day. 
Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house -- not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen the size of the state of Montana. In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn't have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used wadded up old newspapers to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. Back then, we didn't fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn't need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity. 
But she's right; we didn't have the green thing back then. 
We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull. 
But we didn't have the green thing back then. 
Back then, people took the streetcar or a bus and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour taxi service. We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn't need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 23,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest burger joint. 
But isn't it sad the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn't have the green thing back then? 
Please forward this on to another selfish old person who needs a lesson in conservation from a smart-ass young person. 
We don't like being old in the first place, so it doesn't take much to piss us off.

Where's the lesson?  I imagine it shows how we in society can come up with ideas that seem so brilliant at the time, but fail to understand all of the impact these ideas can have on future generations.

So do we go to war between the generations?  Or do we learn and change direction kindly and constructively?

Do, Review, Adjust.

Wrap 2 Gorgeous!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Hang On!

This is from my Facebook friend Ilka Flood at the Enlightened Networker ...

"When you get to the end of your rope, tie a not and hang on!"  ~ Theodore Roosevelt

Here's to Hanging On!


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

This is too funny!

I always wondered what my Feet were really meant for!

Ahhh....Enjoy these days!

Believe in Your Gorgeous, I Do!

Wrap 2 Gorgeous ~ Tighten, Tone & Firm in as little as 45 minutes.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

ANTI-CHEATING RING? Where's the trust in the Marriage? ... OR just a JOKE?


Infidelity seems to be quite common these days.  At least it seems so when celebrities get caught in the nasty act by their spouses.

So here's the solution!

ANTI-CHEATING RING « « The Cheeky The Cheeky

This fantastic invention actually imprints "I'm Married" onto the wearer's skin.  So that old trick of slipping off the wedding band while out with the gang will work no more!

All of those potential flings are sure to be turned off by the message!

OK, so maybe this gimmick isn't the solution to cheating on your mate.  And most people would see this as a great gag gift.

But I see something else in this message.  I see an uncomfortable feeling for people that since infidelity or adultery (you're married and you have sex with someone not your spouse) and fornication (you are not married and have sex with someone) is so common, we have a hard time trusting faithfulness.

Who can blame anyone for wanting this little piece of cheap insurance?

We are bombarded every day in advertising, TV programs, merchandise, fashion trends, and plain old peer pressure.  Everybody knows peer pressure is not just a teen thing folks!

Most people have heard that old saying, "Awe come on, everybody is doing it!"

There is tremendous pressure on people of all ages to have one night stands, or just fool around to get "that need" met.  Those desires have been around since the beginning of time!

Each person has a personal responsibility to decide if they want to commit to Fidelity for themselves.  Are YOU worth it?  Do YOU honor yourself enough?  Do you Trust You enough to have the Faith to commit?

I have been single for a long time.  It's been over 10 years since I've been in an intimate relationship.  It didn't end well.  I ended up feeling empty and unfulfilled.

After that, I decided that I would do things olde school.  I have committed to waiting until I am married again before having sex.

I know what I want in my life and that is to meet and marry the man who is just right for me who God has chosen and created for me and me for him.

I want that chance to experience the very special "first time" on my wedding night.  I want to experience the waiting, the real commitment to myself and to God's commandments, my commitment to my husband-to-be, the excitement and the anticipation.

This is going to be my last chance to experience that.  I know the man God has created for me holds the same values and will be just as committed and eager to wait until marriage.

This is one of the strongest tests I have gone through of commitment and fidelity.  I know following this olde school choice, that we will be making a strong impact on our marriage and the trust we have in each other.

So, I ask of you, what do you think about remaining celibate until marriage?

If you are young and a virgin, it's a different kind of choice than for older people who have already had sex.  I am in my 40s, been married and divorced twice, have 2 birth children, and have had out-of-marriage sex more than once.  (Enough said!)

For people who are not virgins and decide to be celibate until marriage, it gives us a huge task in self discipline.  The following is from Can You Stay Celibate Before Marriage.

Remaining celibate until you marry can give you an opportunity to prepare yourself for the commitment of marriage. 
The discipline, patience, self-awareness, avoidance of temptation, and focus required to live celibately provides great practice for marriage where all those things are required.   
Use your time of celibacy to focus on yourself, learn your true value, explore your dreams, develop your gifts, and find inner peace.  If you use your time of celibacy wisely, you can work to become the type of person you wish to marry.

If you've taken a vow of celibacy, know you are not as alone as you may feel you are.  Your choice has to be very personal.  And it will test you harder than anything else you have committed to in your life.

I always love to hear what you have to say!  Please leave your thoughts & share your experiences below.

Remember!...Sharing is Caring!...Please Like, Tweet & Share this post so others can benefit, too!

Believe In Your Success, I Do!
Karen Miller
Skype me! karen.j.miller

Thursday, June 28, 2012

If You Give a Mom a Muffin She Won't Know Where Her Time Went!

As a mom, have you ever felt like your every move got you more and more distracted?

Running a household is not as easy as it appears to those who have never done it.  Now let me step in for a moment and say that I was a single work-out-of-the-house mom for 13 or so years.

I know exactly how challenging it is to keep your schedule and your kids' schedules in order while remembering the bills, packing back packs and diaper bags, doing the laundry and getting the grocery shopping done.

I lived a very regimented life.  We were little soldiers just so I could get through each day.

When I made the decision to quit my job and stay home to be a full time "Professional Mommy", I stayed regimented.  But somewhere along the road, many of the rules and routines fell to the wayside to make room for play-doh, play dates and poopy diapers.

When we spend all day running the house and raising our children, life goes on with a mind of its own.  So first I want to share this super cool story...ya, just like those stories we've been reading and rhyming to with the kids...to help brighten your day.

Had a good chuckle?

Nice, I did too.

Now, here's some more practical advice for keeping yourself on target with your schedule.  Its called the Rule of Find Fifteen.

Take your day and divide it up into fifteen minute increments.
  • Block out sleep (yours), bathing (yourself) and eating (yes, feeding You).
  • Now figure in all of your care taking activities: getting others to sleep, bathing & dressing others, feeding the crew, and taxi service.
  • Here's the really fun one!  Household chores!:  From laundry to mowing the lawn and every other mundane task that must get done.

If you find it a challenge to get one thing completed, then commit to finding fifteen minutes to totally focus on that one task.

Tried it and failed miserably?

It's time to sit down and have a family meeting.  Take some time to talk with all your kids, and significant other, about your schedule.  

Be honest with yourself and your family about the things you have to get done during the day.  For the things that you find you are being interrupted constantly, have your kids choose a fun thing they would like to do.

This might be a trip to the park, playing with you and sidewalk chalk, or making homemade bubbles.

Take their choice and write it down (on paper, chalk board or dry erase board) and post it somewhere they can see it.  Now you are going to use a Magic Phrase!

This is one of the Magic Phrases you can put in your tool belt while shaping your kids' behavior.  It is called the If...Then principle.

Try this... Hey kids, Mommy needs to get these dishes done.  I'm going to work on this for fifteen minutes.  If you keep busy with your coloring and let mommy do the dishes alone, then we will (do the chosen activity).

Their reward for letting you get your dishes done is the activity.  Your reward is that you will be more focused and more committed to getting the dishes done in that time period, you won't have to worry about those dishes later!

Your time of fifteen minutes might need to be modified depending on the age of your children.  You also might need to start with shorter time periods and work your way up until your children are used to this strategy.

If you give this method a try, then you just might be able to enjoy your muffin!

Blessings and Success!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Back on Project...one Pin at a Time

I've put the idea for this blog on the back burner for too long.  Every time I get an idea for a post, I've put it off and worked on some other project.

But no more!

Balance is the essence of life so I've rearranged my blogs so it will be easier (aka more time efficient) to post here.

To kick off my re-newed journaling, I thought I'd share some neat stuff from Pinterest.  Yes, I have joined the ranks of people who have become so hooked on this visual site.

I have been playing around with Pinterest to see how to use it in marketing my home based business.  One of the neat features is the ability to embed your Pin.  So, here's one of my pins from my Inspiration board...


I have a lot of fun on Pinterest and get a whole bunch of ideas for healthy recipes, family fun, gardening, and all sorts of neat things.

I don't know why Pinterest is so addictive, but I am looking forward to my next visit!

See ya soon for my next rant or rave!